Food…but Fancy.


I really liked the way I worked during this project. What made a huge difference was using the transferring technique and working with type on transparency sheets. It was like composing on the computer, but in real life.  I learned a bunch of new tricks and techniques with this project.

For example:

Top: transfer using blending marker. Bottom: Transfer using nail polish remover plus marker on edges. Using a combination of both got me a well saturated image (polish remover) as well as with crisp details (marker)


I also experimented with scanning, and how different options when scanning can result in very different results. I ended using the regular 24-bit scans, because of the details and richness in colors:

24-bit color (what I used)

color smoothing

24-bit color

color smoothing

24-bit color

color smoothing

grayscale – halftone

black and white

Not only did this project help me practise working with my hands again, but my choice of topic was very fun for me. Creating a persona that I related to helped make a lot of my design choices. It also opened me up to shifting my topic, by thinking about what someone like me would be interested in seeing and doing. I tried out making jelly spheres/strawberry and banana caviar/ as a side experiment:

They were surprisingly successful, but ended up not making it into my zine. The reasoning behind this was also related to my persona. I thought about students like me, and how making simple foods for us/me is difficult or took time. That made my zine shift from an information book, to a mixture of entertaining foods, as well as the useful recipes part.

printed on transparency

transferred type

Finally, the composition of the final piece was very similar to working on inDesign. I had to test different typefaces and effects as always. What I found hard/inconvenient was having to keep on print different sizes of images, to test how it would look on the page. While working, resizing the image would be faster, easier on screen. But this way, it was better to be able to see the actual way the images would look, instead of having to test print.

This project didn’t really make me lean towards one way of working over the other. Both have their pros and cons. What I realised is that a balance of both would work for me better. Maybe collaging by hand, but resizing and composing on screen. Test prints are something that have to be done during both ways. It most likely would depend on project to project.

What was difficult was the alignment of crossovers by hand, since I really wanted to align some type across a spread. I ended up testing out registrations and stapling a certain way, to have the type be slightly off, but not so much that it’s illegible. What was also good to know—even though it was subconscious initially—was that I had kept a sense of narrative throughout the zine, despite it never being explicitly discussed (it should be obvious from the course’s name, but still).

Bean Bag: Week 3

Went back to the tailor (day after giving it to him) to check on process. He said he hadn’t started yet. We went back the day after (during class time):

upholsterybeanbagliningblackout copy
^ wow progress!

Went back the next day and he had the cover done as well, ready to be collected:
next came the messy/fun step of filling it in. And only then did we discover that we had WAY less filling than we needed. Filling that came from Dubai…The two huge cardboard boxes full of filling filled less than half of the bag. I hurriedly called the ‘upholsterer’ to arrange something (since earlier he’d said he knew where to get the fillings), he said he’d try to get them ASAP but it takes minimum of 4 days.

We moved on to thinking about the eyes. When we took our cloth (white and black) to the fashion design tailor he made a sample (using the softball sample we took to him):

Make a Baseball template


He suggested that for this to have a good finish, we should by a faux leather kind of fabric called ‘rexine‘. He told us where we’d find it. After a while of driving and walking around in a seemingly shady area, we finally found it. And then of course (like all the other times we left during class time) there was the 2-8 traffic to deal with.


Atleast now that we had our rexine, we worked on cutting it out, so that all the tailor had to do was stitch it together. Our initial plan was to do the stitching ourselves, but after seeing him stitch the sample, we realised we wouldn’t be able to do a very good job by ourselves (especially the stitching part).
 We planned how we would attach the magnet in the eyes. We considered gluing them on directly to the inside of the rexine, but then decided that using a patch to create a supporting pocket for the magnet would be the best solution. The problem came when we had to attach the pocket fabric to the leather fabric. Super glue didn’t work. Fabric glue didn’t work. We didn’t want to stitch it because the thread would show on the outside of the eyeball. In the end it was a liberal amount of super glue that did it.

That weekend our second batch of filling had arrived at the upholsterers:epsbeads
 This batch was twice the total of what we had earlier, 4 times one of the full cardboard boxes. Filled the entire back and middle passenger seat of a land cruiser. Entire.

Bean Bag: Last project

So the last project had to be about anything we wanted, to put it simply. We had to be able to relate it to design technology and Graphic Design. It could either be a continuation of one of the projects we’d done, or something else that we have in mind (that we can relate).

Ideas I had:

  • Stop motion, using clay?
  • 3D printed blob – eyes pop out
  • Plushie

Initially decided on a plushie. Later I got together with a friend and we planned to do a collaborative project where we made a beanbag.

Things we need to keep in mind:

Materials: Fabric, eps beads, magnetic strip, sewing machine

Idea: Making a beanbag based on a blob character. It will have magnetic eyes that can be attached to certain parts of the bean bag.

Why I’m doing this?

Will be learning something completely new. Never finished proper.  Never really used a sewing machine. Stop motion with clay, I find it annoying (I don’t think that clay will sculpt into blob shapes easily). 3D printing, I already have a prototype, know exactly what I want to do. Normally I’d prefer this (knowing exactly what I want to do), but since this is the only class where I feel like I can actually do anything without messing up, I’m going to go for the idea that I know the least about. So beanbag it is. We both had our different reasons for this project (she already seemed to know how to work with the medium).

Amreen’s plan:

Week 1: creating the blueprint+ buying materials+ process

Week 2: Assembling the outer structure of the bean bag+ learning how to stitch+ making the eyes+ process

Week 3: placing magnetic strips in the lining of the bean bag+ attaching magnets on the back of the eyes.

Week 3 and a half: Done!! (hopefully)

The one I made:

W1: buy materials (fabric ,beads, magnet) get used to sewing machine – talk to someone in fashion??

W2: experiment

W3: experimenting with final

W4 (finals deadline): finalising < try to finish in w3

^ Clearly she had made a better plan. This is probably why I never end up following my schedules. They’re never made well. If I hadn’t seen her plan I wouldn’t have even realised how vague mine was.

Why I’m interested in it:

Will be learning something completely new.  Never really used sewing machine. Stop motion with clay, I find it annoying (I don’t think that clay will sculpt into blob shapes easily). 3D printing, I already have a prototype, know exactly what I want to do. Normally I’d prefer this, but since this is the only class where I feel like I can actually do anything without messing up, I’m going to go for the idea that I know the least about. Because…I like plushies.

Links I’ve found for reference:

BETTER reference for ladder stitch:

We decided on magnetic strips because Amreen mentioned how using actual magnets would hurt when someone sat on the beanbag